How to disassemble and dispose the climbing frame ?

Disassembling a wooden climbing frame can be done with the following steps;

- Ensure that you have the necessary safety equipment, such as gloves and safety goggles, before you begin.
- Make sure you have a Torx T25 and Torx T40 screwdriver or bit, a hammer, and a rubber mallet. These will be essential for removing the screws and disassembling the frame.
- Start by using the Torx T25 tool to remove the smaller screws. Loosen them counterclockwise, and once they are sufficiently loosened, you can use your hands or a wrench to finish removing them.
- After you've removed the smaller screws, move on to the larger ones that require a Torx T40. Follow the same process of loosening them counterclockwise and removing them.
- As you remove the screws, disassemble the components of the climbing frame. Carefully separate the various parts, such as swings, ladders, and platforms.
-  If the screws are in good condition and you plan to reuse them, store them separately. If not, recycle or dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner.
- Always follow safety precautions during disassembly and wear appropriate personal protective equipment. If you're uncertain about the disassembly process or don't feel comfortable doing it yourself, consider seeking assistance from a professional or someone with experience in assembling and disassembling such structures.

When it is time to dispose of your playground equipment, please beware that the parts won't create any hazards. 
Pressure-treated timber must not be disposed of with your regular household waste. 
Never burn pressure-treated, stained, or painted timber, because of environmental pollution. 
Be sure to follow your local waste ordinances.